TravCon is the largest conference for traveling healthcare providers in the United States. It is an annual event held in beautiful Las Vegas. This year the official conference dates are Sept. 18-21, 2022 and it will be held at Paris Las Vegas Hotel & Casino. Whether this is your first or fifth time attending TravCon, here are our pro tips to help you prep for your experience.
First up: Register early for the conference
If you are reading this and have not bought your ticket already, please don’t delay any longer. Ticket sales are hot this year and we anticipate selling out. You can go to to sign up.
Next, get your hotel room and transportation

2022 is a much different year for Las Vegas than previous years. The pent-up demand for Americans to get out and travel has flooded Las Vegas with tourism. In turn, the prices of hotel rooms, taxis, Lyfts, and flights have increased.
We highly recommend securing your hotel room and flights now. We still have some discounted rooms available in our room block at both The Paris and Bally’s. Both of these hotels are an easy 5-10 minute indoor walk to the convention center. You can find more information about our room block here.
We also recommend trying to find a roommate in our TravCon Room community on Facebook.
Also, when you arrive at the airport, you can get a taxi, shuttle, or rideshare to the hotel. We recommend using a rideshare (Uber/Lyft) because they are affordable and time-efficient. From the baggage claim at McCarran Airport, you can follow the signs to the Uber/Lyft pick up which is on the second floor of the parking garage.
Arrive Early
While TravCon officially starts Sept. 18, the unofficial events start much earlier. In fact, travelers start arriving in Las Vegas 2-5 days before the conference begins to enjoy the pre-conference events and to catch up with friends.
Some of the pre-events so far include a hike to Red Rock Canyon, a golf tournament, a wine tasting night, and many parties. To learn more about pre-conference events we recommend checking out the list in the Un-official Facebook group. Also you can find official events on our website and on our Official Facebook Group.

Request time off
This is your reminder to make sure that you requested off for the days of TravCon! Whether it is your current or next contract, don’t delay and get that time off. You can also request to block your shifts earlier and later in the week to allow you to travel while still working your shifts.
Finally: Pack smart!
Packing for TravCon is a little different than packing for other conferences. Here are some things that we recommend you bring:
- Comfy shoes! Everything in Las Vegas is a walk, even if it looks like it is very close.
- Layers. The AC is blasting inside and it’s a (literal) desert outside.
- Water. Water bottles in the hotel cost a fortune ($5+ a bottle). Either bring water with you from home if you drive or if you fly you can buy it by cheaper at the CVS right next to the Paris Hotel.
- Bring an extra bag for swag. You will get spoiled by the exhibitors and will need extra space to bring all of your swag gifts home.
- Swimsuit for the pool. If you plan to go to the pool parties, don’t forget this one!
- Nice outfit for the AfterParty. We have an official AfterParty at Drai’s and it’s dress to impress! The theme this year is sequins!
- Business casual clothes for the conference.
- Resume. We have a resume center where experts can review and consult you on your resume.
- Coffee. This is for our coffee lovers out there who need that cup of joe before they leave their room in the mornings. Bally’s and The Paris does NOT have coffee pots in the hotel rooms. They do have mini-fridges. For our coffee addicts we recommend bringing some cold brew for that morning jolt.
We hope this helps you to prepare for TravCon. It has been a long year apart from our TravCon family and we look forward to seeing familiar faces and new ones in September.