We are almost a month away from the biggest travel healthcare conference of the year–TravCon! Whether this is your first or fifth time attending, we cannot wait to meet you at Paris in Las Vegas this September.
Lately we have been getting several common questions from travelers planning out their experience. To make things easier, here are a few of the most commonly asked questions about TravCon. And, our best tips to point you in the right direction.
How do I register?
Register by going to our website: TravCon.org. In the middle of the page there is a green button that says “Buy Tickets”.
If you want more information about the different types of tickets, click on the tab on the top right of the main page that says “Pricing”. Here you can get a breakdown of what a basic ticket costs, and how much it costs to bundle different ticket options.
Can I bring my (non healthcare) spouse/partner?
The easiest way is to have them register for their own ticket the same way you registered for yours. This allows them to have access to the conference including breakfast and lunch on Monday and Tuesday. If visiting the vendors and educational sessions isn’t their thing, there will be a Spouse’s Lounge. At the Spouses’s Lounge, they can connect with other travel healthcare spouses!
There is also an option to purchase tickets for the After Party and Farewell Brunch separately.

How do I find a cheap room rate?
The conference has room blocks set aside at Paris, Bally’s, and the Flamingo. Currently the weekend blocks are full at Paris and Bally’s. The Flamingo still has some rooms left at the conference rate.
If you are coming in before Sunday night, consider booking a room at the Flamingo and then moving rooms closer to the actual conference days to save a little money. If you aren’t familiar with the Strip, it’s about a ten minute walk from the Flamingo to the conference center.
Another way to save some money on room rates is to join Caesar’s Rewards. This is the company that owns all of the hotels included in the room block. Their rewards program is free to join, and gives you access to exclusive room rates. Plus, if you enjoy gambling even when you aren’t in Vegas, they own a number of casinos across the country where you can earn rewards or free stays.
What tips do you have for newbies?
The information for TravCon can be a LOT. If this is your first time attending TravCon, we highly suggest taking some time to sit down and look over all of the offerings for the conference. Here are a few things you’ll want to take a closer look at:
Newbie Bootcamp!
If you are a fairly new healthcare traveler, or feel like you still don’t have the hang of how pay packages, agencies, or contracts work–the Newbie Bootcamp is a great place to start!
Newbie Bootcamp is an intensive held the Sunday before the conference. This experience includes expert speakers who teach you the nuts and bolts of travel healthcare. In addition, the day is broken up with a Lunch and Learn where you will have the chance to sit down with panelists who can answer questions or clear up any confusion you may have about how the travel healthcare industry works.
Schedule Page
Our events page has a breakdown of each event that is officially affiliated with TravCon. Start here to get an idea of your “must do” events. Then, be sure to join the Unofficial TravCon Events page on Facebook to keep up on other events hosted by agencies and other companies.
You can also look at the official Schedule to see when each speaker is presenting and which room they will be in. Earmark anyone you really want to see, because once you hit the floor of the conference it is easy to miss something by accident!
At the end of the day, there is so much to do while you are at TravCon–it is physically impossible to hit every single event and speaker. Take a deep breath, be open to your first year being a learning experience, and try your best to just soak up the things you make it to!

I’m scared to go by myself! Do people go solo?
Absolutely! The beauty of going to a conference filled with people who are constantly on the move is that everyone is friendly and ready to meet new people. All of the events are laid back and provide ample opportunity to get to know other travelers, and one of the best parts of TravCon is that every year after your first one feels like a big family reunion.
TravCon truly is an experience like no other. The energy of Vegas, the camaraderie between travelers, and the multitude of educational offerings can’t be matched. Be sure to follow us on social to stay up to date on conference news, and we can’t wait to see you soon!

About the Author: Alex McCoy is a Pediatric ICU travel nurse. She currently travels with her husband, Keaton and their two toddlers. Alex has been a content writer within the travel community for over 5 years, and has been featured as a writer on sites like Furnished Finder, The Gypsy Nurse, and Healthcare Traveler Today.