TravCon Hub

7 Lessons I Learned Traveling With a Non-Healthcare Partner
Author: Devon Breithart, OTR If you’re anything like I was when I finished grad school, you were interested in traveling for work but always had a good excuse to put off taking the leap. Maybe you just got a new puppy. Maybe you wanted to remain close to family. Maybe you wanted to get experience

3 Tips for Preventing Nurse Burn Out
The report has been given. You’ve had your morning coffee. All of your patients have been rounded on. Everyone is safe. Medications administered. You’re off to a great start. As you’re getting ready to leave for your lunch break, you receive a call that one of your patients will be going down for a procedure.

A Travel OT’s Top 5 Tips & Tricks to Prevent Burnout in Any Setting
As travelers, we are a rare species of clinicians. Most of us might profess that, to some degree, we did so because we crave freedom. Freedom of expression, freedom from the woes of office drama, and most importantly, freedom to reclaim more of our time. Then, we committed to this lifestyle because we embraced the

Holiday Tips for Travelers
It’s the most wonderful time of the year! Although as travelers, the holidays may bring some extra stress. While some of us may be home with our loved ones, others might be working far away from family. Some may have to work on holidays. If you find yourself on the road, here are some tips

Ways to Meet People While Traveling
You attended TravCon in September and had the best time with new friends. Maybe you went to mixers with agencies or a show on the strip. The bond between travelers can be immediate with a shared sense of understanding of what the traveler’s life is like. Travelers make friends easily at TravCon and those friends

TravCon Scholarship 2019
Are you a current or recent traveler who attended TravCon and is going back to school to further your education? If the answer is YES, you may be eligible to apply for a TravCon scholarship! TravCon is happy to award up to ten $1000.00 scholarships this year for students engaging in continuing education. How was

TravCon2020 – Save the Date
The dust has barely settled from TravCon 2019 and yes, the planning committee is already thinking about next year. Planning and executing TravCon is a year-long event that takes lots of preparation and planning for everything to go smoothly. While TravCon is fresh in your mind, here are some reminders for TravCon 2020 that you

TravCon2019 Recap!
TravCon 2019 is a wrap! Another TravCon is in the books and this one was better than ever! TravCon 2019 boasted over 1,400 attendees, two keynote speakers, and a newly introduced after-conference social hour on Monday. Travelers participating in a pre-conference hike All week, travelers arrived in Vegas and participated in pre-party events such as

Healthy & Active Ideas for TravCon
TravCon is proud to call beautiful Las Vegas our home! Las Vegas is a city that is easy to access with plane routes entering from around the country, a multitude of hotels at many price points, and literally something for everybody. However, we often hear from travelers, “There’s nothing to do in Vegas except drink.”

TravCon & NTI Unite!
The NTI Conference Meets TravCon TravCon made an appearance at the NTI Conference this year! The National Teaching Institute & Critical Care Exposition is an annual conference that offers learning and celebration for high-acuity and critical care nurses. The NTI Conference of 2019 was located in sunny Orlando. At the conference, TravCon was asked to

5 Things to Keep in Mind When You’re Deciding to Become a Travel Nurse
I wanted to travel. But wait, I need money too—the perfect career that would allow both of those things come to fruition would be to become a travel nurse. I had heard of travel nursing here and there but truly did not understand it until I became one. I worked as a registered nurse on

Best Ways to Find Temporary Housing for Travel Healthcare Jobs
Finding temporary housing can be a considerable challenge for travelers. As a traveling healthcare professional, you have two choices when it comes to finding housing on assignment: 1. You can have your company provide housing. This has its pros and cons. As a pro, it’s less work for you. Your company does all of
TravCon’s Hub is the epicenter for articles written for, about, and by healthcare travelers. We are bringing together all of the resources, online communities, and websites developed by travelers into one central place, so you don’t have to look far.
TravCon: For, About, and By Healthcare Travelers