Volunteer With Mercy Ships

Globally, it’s estimated that over 25% of the global disease burden could be addressed with access to safe, affordable surgical care – that’s five billion people. Seeking to meet the needs of the people behind these staggering statistics is at the heart of the Mercy Ships mission – to bring hope and healing to the world’s forgotten poor. 

Mercy Ships boat

Mercy Ships is a faith-based international development charity that deploys state-of-the-art hospital ships to ports along sub-Saharan Africa. Crewed by over 400 volunteers from more than 50 nations, our vessels are able to provide over 7,000 medical interventions annually, free of charge. Because our crew volunteer their time, professional skills, and generosity, our patients embark on journeys of transformation that change their lives forever. 

One of these crew members is Becca Cavari, a volunteer PICU Nurse from the United States that served onboard the #AfricaMercy. Serving with Mercy Ships deepened Becca’s love for nursing by allowing her to care for her patients in ways that go beyond the tangible. 

“I am able to show my patients love by spending more time with them than I would get to back home. Serving with Mercy Ships has opened my eyes to the joys of loving people well right where you’re at.”

a nurse holding a baby

For Becca, living onboard the #AfricaMercy and providing love and care to those who need it most is a dream in the making. As a teen, she told people “I’m going to become a nurse and then go serve with Mercy Ships.” 

a nurse holding a baby

“Sometimes I have to pinch myself. This is what I’ve wanted to do for 10 years!”

With a ship-based hospital facility including five operating theatres, three wards, and 80 patient beds, Mercy Ships depends on volunteer medical crew, including Operating Room Nurses, Pediatric Nurses, PACU Nurses, and PICU Nurses.

Would you like to learn more about how you can use your expertise to help bring hope and healing in sub-Saharan Africa? With volunteer stints starting at just two weeks, maybe this is your chance to find your place onboard

Mercy Ships has been an exhibitor at TravCon for several years. Since you cannot connect with them in person this year, you can learn more about volunteering with Mercy Ships at https://www.mercyships.org/volunteer/ or connect with a Recruiter with specific questions about serving at [email protected] Mercy Ships remains committed to strengthening healthcare systems in Africa, and with your help, imagine what we can do!

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TravCon Hub

This article was written exclusively for The TravCon Hub. If you would like to write an article for the Hub please contact us - we would love to hear from you!

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