The dust has barely settled from TravCon 2019 and yes, the planning committee is already thinking about next year. Planning and executing TravCon is a year-long event that takes lots of preparation and planning for everything to go smoothly. While TravCon is fresh in your mind, here are some reminders for TravCon 2020 that you can put on your calendar.
TravCon 2020: Sept 13-16 Bally’s Las Vegas

First and foremost, mark your calendar for TravCon 2020. The location is the same, Bally’s Las Vegas, and the date is about the same. Bally’s has been a great host to TravCon as it is centrally located on the strip and within easy walking distance to so much that Las Vegas has to offer.
When you are planning for TravCon, remember that many pre-conference events happen during the week before the conference begins. The day before the conference (Saturday) has been the traditional date of the TravCon hike and golf outing. Next year this will fall on Saturday, September 12th, 2020. Some travelers arrive as early as Wednesday to reunite with old friends and sightsee Las Vegas before the hustle and bustle of the conference.
Of note: There is a new conference for travel bloggers called “TravelCon.” Please remember to refer to TravCon as such: TravCon. If you see online advertising or the website for TravelCon, please remember that this is a completely different conference and not us. We would hate to see anybody accidentally buy a ticket or plan for the wrong conference.
Send Us Your Feedback
TravCon has grown and evolved thanks to the entire community of travelers and exhibitors involved. We love hearing your feedback and ideas. At this time, we are especially interested in any recommendations for both keynote and breakout speakers that you would like to hear at the 2020 event. If you have heard a great speaker, or have somebody in mind who would be a great keynote and a good fit for TravCon, please let us know. We are happy to be able to bring in some amazing keynote speakers year after year thanks to our partnership with Liquids Agents, who sponsors our keynote addresses.
You can send any speaker suggestions or feedback to [email protected].
Call For Speakers in 2020
Are you a speaker with a topic that you think appeals to the TravCon audience? The Traveler’s Conference is happy to offer a diverse and ever-changing array of speakers and courses for travelers. We provide both highly educational travel and clinical content, as well as more lifestyle-based content, such as traveling in an RV, traveling with pets, etc.
If you have a session idea you would like the committee to review, please fill out our “Call for Speakers” form by November 1st, 2019. We will be reviewing submissions and selecting speakers in November. If your topic is selected, you will hear from us by early December.

Follow Us On Social Media
Once upon a time, TravCon buzz happened every September and then the virtual space went quiet about TravCon for another 10 months or so. This is changing! As the conference grows and evolves, we are increasing our year-round presence for travelers. Our social media channels — Facebook, our Facebook Group, Instagram, and LinkedIn. These channels are great ways to stay current with all things TravCon.
Stay up to date with our channels to follow what 2020 brings! Maybe it will be a TravCon meet up, social story, or blog piece that is helpful to your travels.
Write For Us!
At TravCon, we are for travelers by travelers. Many of us have created content around this industry and know how hard it can be to get your voice out there and create a writing and social media profile.
If you are interested in writing a blog piece for us, please reach out with a pitch. We love content about traveler education and traveler lifestyle. You do not need to have prior published materials online to write for us. In fact, we would be happy to publish your work so you can share it and create a profile of work for yourself. We are also happy to share your work across our social media channels and promote your piece.
Blogs have to be original, meaning that if you write a piece for us, it cannot be published anywhere else on the internet and it must adhere to our style guidelines. For more information and contact info, please read this piece: Write For TravCon!
Have A Great Year & Hope To See You Again in 2020!
TravCon has become somewhat of a family reunion for travelers. We see each other every September, and then it may be a year until we see old friends again. The crew at TravCon hopes to see many familiar faces again next year, as well as new ones. We hope you have a great year of travel and adventures!
Published September 25, 2019 by Julia Kuhn. Julia Kuhn is the media outreach coordinator for TravCon and curator of The Hub. You can find her personal blog at www.thetravelingtraveler.com